Wednesday, August 29, 2012

We Are Back!

After a few weeks hiatus, we are back here at the Cold War blog! You will notice a little bit of a different format in the next few weeks.

After not being able to find people to write for us, I will have to drop the entries down to once a week. If you are interested in writing for the Cold War Museum Blog, please contact us and we will discuss with you how to accomplish this.

As you know, the Cold War Museum's physical site is still in its infancy, and every little bit helps! If you want to donate some time, talent or money please contact us at

Finally, check back later this week for the first review of the new format!

Thank you so much!

Joellyn Jones
Social Media Manager

Monday, August 6, 2012

The Cold War is Heating Up Again!

The Cold War is HEATING UP again, only this time we're sweating bullets instead of shooting them! Please help The Cold War Museum get the air conditioner repaired. The Cold War Museum is located in wonderful Vint Hill Virginia, and while it is a beautiful location, it is also ungodly hot in the summer! Every little bit helps, and we need your help! Below is a link to the Museum's contributions page where you can use Paypal (no account required, just pay as a guest if you prefer), Network for Good or JustGive. Thanks.